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"Anchorsplash" 2021 with Delta Gamma


"Talent Show"  2021 Fall Pledge Class Philanthropy

No matter the event, we donate all of the proceeds to the Norman Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary. Pike nationally celebrates fire departments for their bravery and courage that they exhibit on a daily basis.


For fraternity men nationwide, philanthropy is a huge deal; at Beta Omicron, it's even bigger. We actively strive to continually give back to the community by hosting fundraisers, planning philanthropy events, and participating in community service events in Norman every semester.

At Beta Omicron, it is tradition to hold at least one big, innovative philanthropy event every semester. 


Last fall, we raised money in support of the Fire Departments Women Auxiliary. PC '21 hosted and performed their very own talent show while also involving sororities. The innovative philanthropy event we held was "Greek Madness." This event included Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Tao Omega, and  Sigma Phi Epsilon and was held in our very own backyard ( The Oak.)


"Greek Madness" 2021

"Pie a Pike" 2022

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